Episode 1 : How to step out from moral licensing

Moral-licensing, a word that clearly sums up the situation of the society today, show us one thing; we do not have a complete understanding towards the meaning of equality. Equality, of course, has many definition. It is hard to select one "correct" definition since I have not learned closely about what it should be, but here I would like to state it as a general idea of giving equal rights and opportunities. 

In that manner Malcom Gladweell suggested only few examples regarding moral-licensing. Though there can be many other areas that he could use as a example, he picked the sexual discrimination problems specifically because it not only reflects recent social issues but also narrows down the scope of moral licensing into the thought of what lies beneath the majorities mind about equality.  

 From moral-licensing, we can tell that the majority still believes that they are superior compared to the minorities. Giving the minorities a chance that they should have been given a long time ago, the majorities feel that they have done enough, and even worse, take away the opportunities from the minority. The majorities might not want to acknowledge this. However recognizing our imperfect unconsciousness, giving immense influence to our action, should be the first step towards solving the problem. 

It is true that there is no such thing as perfect unconsciousness. However, that does not mean that crooked unconsciousness should stay at its place. The process of approaching to the ideal cognition is important. Therefore, it is necessary to consider what a specific solution can be. One of the solution, as boring as it may sound, is education. Most of the majorities had enough education to admit that it is righteous to give equal chances to minorities in their minds. That is why they go further enough to give them a chance. This also means that majorities have the ability to understand what we should do to achieve equality and it is a fact that the human kind have progressed rapidly in terms of rights. In other words, the solution is to repetitively ask questions about what equality is and why we should pursue it based on the partial understanding the current majorities have. 

The solution does not only include the education of new generation but also includes the older generation's education. Since, the younger generations thoughts are often originated from their parents, teachers, this is more than necessary. In the process one can anticipate moral-licensing rooted out from the society.


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