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30 things about me

1. I have a Facebook fan page Though I want the page to be abolished, I cannot deny the fact that this is something interesting about me. If I wasn't the one suffering from weird pictures posted on facebook, I would have enjoyed it myself. (But I do not want to thank Subin and numerous friends who helped her organize it. Due to that page I have people judging me even before meeting me and it was really creepy when unknown military officer joined the page) 2. I am an environmentalist who wants to be vegetarian but know that it is impossible for me to do so. (I just love meat too much) So I try hard to focus on things that I can do for the environment. 3. I swim.  I started swimming at the age of 6. I still swim. My mother told me that I liked staying in water even before swimming. I was so used to swimming and everybody around me knew how to swim that I thought every kids grow up learning how to swim- it didn't take me long to realize that wasn't true. (I like every...

최근 글

Episode 5: Reflection food fight

Episode 3: Smart people should make smart decisions

Episode 1 : How to step out from moral licensing